Streamlined a Deployment Process
Integrated with an API
Kraken was an internal deploy script for PHP applications. Benefits: 

  1. The addition of the capital -E flag is to set environment variables for our New Relic API key & an application ID per environment so that these values are not hardcoded into the script or committed and -E passes those environment variables to the script when run as sudo.
  2. Deploy Markers in New Relic! You can now click Deployments under events and see an overview and performance impact per controller of the new code
New Relic’s deploy markers can have 4 values set for the payload:

  • User
  • Revision Number 
  • Description
  • Changelog
I’m setting them as follows:

  • User - who made the last commit git log -1 --pretty=format:'%an’
  • Revision Number - short commit id of the last commit git rev-parse --short HEAD
  • Description - commit message of the last commit git log -1 --pretty=%B
  • Changelog - left empty
In test environments, my thinking was whoever made the last commit is typically who also fires off the deploy, so all the values are relevant.